About CME Activities

CME Mission Statement


To provide education and advocacy in support of safe, equitable and effective patient care. The program provides activities designed to promote health professional performance, competency and optimal patient outcome and services to the public and the profession.


The target audience includes practicing physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, physician and other health assistants, health administrators, basic scientists, researchers, social workers, and graduate and other health trainees.

While African Americans and other minority health professionals are especially assisted in support of the reduction of health disparities, health professionals and patients of all races, ethnicities and genders are included in the NMA CME mission.


Content includes knowledge and skills generally accepted by professionals to include the basic sciences, the discipline of clinical medicine and the provision of health care to the public. Evidence-based reports in key national publications describing health disparities and performance gaps are major sources of NMA CME content. (These key national sources include the National Sciences Institute of Medicine (IOM) quality initiatives reports: To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System and Crossing the Quality Chasm, the Healthy People 2010 Report of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, content of updated medical textbooks, NMA consensus reports and evidenced-based articles from the NMA journal and other peer reviewed journals.

Specialty practice needs are addressed in specialty practice sessions and communities of practice providing education in the learner’s concentrated practice interest. Maintenance of competency is emphasized in the specialty sections.

Partnerships with historically based Black medical colleges, hospitals and clinics and other health institutions form the clinical base for the NMA CME program. Barriers to learning are reduced through NMA membership training and assistance in informatics. Legislation affecting patient care is promoted by NMA CME orienting national decision makers in aspects of health care.


Professional development activities of NMA CME are designed to promote professional performance, competency, and improved patient outcome. These activities are provided during NMA educational planning and presentations in medical specialty section, region, state and local societies courses. Performance improvement presentations are made by lectures, panels, workshops, small group discussions, courses, symposia, case review, hands-on exercises, enduring materials and print and electronic media.
Lecturers are evaluated by audience participants as to how well the patient care needs of the participant(s) are met. Pre and post tests are given in all NMA CME approved activities for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ in order to document the perceived change caused by the education intervention.
The NMA CME program is reviewed by the NMA Council on Educational Affairs, consultants, and an external review panel for consistency with ACCME standards and the internal review “report card” committee to determine the NMA CME program quality and continuing professional development improvement in keeping with the NMA Strategic Plan.
Monthly-published peer review journals and NMA-developed consensus reports augment the general NMA CME program. Topics related to the practice of medicine, socioeconomic factors, cultural competency, and health disparities are emphasized to promote health professional performance, competency, and optimal patient outcome.


Assessment of knowledge gaps reduction and satisfaction in our curriculum are included in our mission and used as outcome measures for effectiveness of our CME activities.

In addition, the NMA CME activities are expected to result in the following changes:

  • Changes in health professional knowledge, performance and patient outcome.
  • Reduction of barriers to NMA membership learning.
  • Continued orientation of national legislators to information about health care by the National Medical Association as a part of the NMA CME advocacy for improved health care for patients and the public.
  • Continued collaboration with stakeholders by NMA members:
    • Historical Black colleges and hospitals and other colleges and hospitals
    • Clinics, Center for Disease Control, American Cancer Society
  • Reduction in national health disparities among AA professionals and patients.
  • Increased participation by physicians with other health professionals in education and patient care activities.
  • Mentoring of medical students and residents and fellows.
  • Increased application of cultural competency in patient care providers and institutions.
  • Community education in health care by health professionals.
  • Passage of Legislation resulting from advocacy contributions.
  • Enrollment of disenfranchised patients in insurances
  • Increased Use of informatics.
  • Quality improvement in CME services as judged by the Strategic Plan monitors.
  • Increased competency in disease management.
  • Increased competency in manual health care procedures.
  • Increased competency in manual medical technical skills
  • Increased competency in clinical assessment

The purpose of the William E. Matory, Sr., M.D, Continuing Medical Education Program of the National Medical Association is to contribute toward the professional development of practicing physicians, academicians, researchers, basic scientists, residents, fellows, students and other health professionals in primary, secondary and tertiary health care. Reports of topics and systems designed to correct health care disparities are emphasized. Throughout its history, the National Medical Association has focused, primarily on the improvement of healthcare for African Americans and other underserved populations. However, its principles, goals, initiatives and philosophy encompass all sectors of the population and contribute to optimal healthcare for all.

CME activities offered by the NMA include live educational activities (such as conferences lectures, symposia, and workshops), journal-based CME, and web-based CME. Live activities include the Annual Scientific Assembly, Annual Regional Meetings, and state/local society meetings. For a listing of upcoming NMA CME activities please see the schedule below.

Accreditation with Commendation

The National Medical Association has been reviewed by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME®) and awarded Accreditation with Commendation for six years as a provider of continuing medical education (CME) for physicians. Accreditation in the ACCME System seeks to assure the medical community and the public that the National Medical Association delivers education that is relevant to clinicians’ needs, evidence-based, evaluated for its effectiveness, and independent of commercial influence.

The ACCME System employs a rigorous process for evaluating institutions’ CME programs according to standards that reflect the values of the educator community and aim to accelerate learning, inspire change, and champion improvement in healthcare. Through participation in accredited CME, clinicians and teams drive improvement in their practice and optimize the care, health, and wellness of their patients.

Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly

The National Medical Association’s Scientific Assembly is acclaimed as the nation’s foremost forum on medical science and African American health. Each year, more than 5,000 African American physicians and other health professionals from across the country convene to participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances and to develop health policy agenda for the coming year.

Through NMA’s 25 Scientific Specialty Sections, the NMA Convention and Scientific Assembly attracts the broadest spectrum of African American physicians, academicians and scientists in the country. The scientific program opens on a Saturday with special postgraduate courses and workshops, and continues through the following Wednesday with 25 concurrent Scientific Specialty sections ranging from Aerospace and Military Medicine to Women’s Health.

Annual Regional Meetings

The organizational structure of the NMA provides an established national network of affiliated community-based organizations with a powerful reach within African American communities across the nation. The NMA has 33 state and 98 local affiliated medical societies across the nation. The state and local societies are segmented into six geographic NMA regions. Each of the six regions holds an annual meeting in the spring.

For more information about the Regions click here