Action Collaborative for Black Men in Medicine

Action Collaborative for Black Men in Medicine: Purpose and Approach

The Action Collaborative for Black Men in Medicine is a co-sponsored initiative of the AAMC and the National Medical Association to identify and implement systemic solutions to increase the representation of Black men in medicine. The purpose and approach to the initiative is described as the action collaborative invites partners to join their efforts. CLICK HERE to watch.

The Action Collaborative for Black Men in Medicine brings together action partners across industries and disciplines to create systems change to increase the representation of Black men in medicine.

The charge of the action collaborative is to:

  • Identify replicable solutions to amplify and support Black men’s interest in a career in medicine and/or in the biomedical sciences.
  • Use existing data and evidence to develop systems-based solutions to address exclusionary practices that create barriers for Black men and prevent them from having equitable opportunities to successfully enroll in medical school.
  • Convene key partners to act on measurable solutions.

What is the Action Collaborative? 

Convened by the AAMC and the National Medical Association (NMA) and built on the data from the AAMC publication Altering the Course: Black Males in Medicine, the action collaborative is a network community that focuses on systemic solutions to increase the representation and success of Black men interested in medicine.

The action collaborative recognizes that the number of Black men applicants and matriculants into medical school remains relatively unchanged, and this is now considered to be a national crisis by the AAMC, the NMA, and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). We also recognize that interventions are needed as early as elementary school. We will streamline our efforts on areas of the continuum where the AAMC and the NMA may have the greatest impact, which is from the last two years of high school through the first two years of medical school.

Learn more about the Action Collaborative

To learn more and keep updated on reports and activities, visit here.

Join the Action Collaborative 

To become an action partner and/or remain updated on the work of the action collaborative, email us at We will follow up with next steps for your engagement.