Frequently Asked Questions

Active Membership is open to all regular physicians and Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) licensed to practice medicine in any state or territory of the United States and in the District of Columbia.
Associate Membership is open to 1) physicians who are members of chartered medical organizations in non-U.S. countries, 2) U.S. physicians who are located in foreign countries engaged in medical missionary work, 3) physicians and non-physicians engaged full-time in academic teaching in an accredited medical school and not engaged in clinical practice, and/or (4) Allied Health Professionals.

Post Graduate Physician Membership is open to physicians in training in an accredited medical education program.

Student Membership is open to students duly matriculated in an accredited medical school.

Resident/Fellows membership is open to those in medical residencies and or fellowships.

Emeritus Membership who have been members in good standing for twenty consecutive years and have reached the age of seventy (70) or are completely disabled, upon application to the Executive Director and approval by the Board of Trustees.



Physician/Regular Membership : $495
Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine : $495
First Time Physician Member : $250
Physician/First Year in Practice : $215
Physician/Second Year in Practice : $345
Physician/Active Military Duty : $255


Full Time Medical Teaching Faculty : $210
Member Non-US Medical Society : $210
Medical Missionary in Non-US Country : $210
Doctorate/PH.D. in the Medical or Health Profession : $210
International Membership : $210
Allied Health Professional : $210

Resident/Fellow : $40



While you’re looking out for your patients’ lives, the National Medical Association is looking out for your livelihood. Now, more than ever, NMA needs you to be part of its collective strength. The challenges you face as an African American physician are staggering. African American physicians treat more African American patients, more poor patients, and sicker patients than most other physicians. With the resurgence of old diseases and the resistance of newer ones, escalating health care costs, changes in the crucial health programs and health delivery systems, and little improvement in the overall health status and mortality of African Americans…now, more than ever, the NMA is hard at work supporting your interests.

Membership in the National Medical Association is on a calendar years basis from January 1 through December 31.

Paying by January 31st offers a $50 discount on Regular Membership Dues .

If you forget your identification number or loss your membership card simply contact NMA’s Membership Services Division at (202) 347-1895, ext. 220 to request a duplicate identification card.

You can use your email address and password that you have created to log into NMA’s Members Only” pagess on the web site and access your benefits. Allow four weeks for the arrival of your first issue of the Journal of the National Medical Association. You will receive your membership packet within 10-14 business days.

You can use your email address and password that you have created to log into NMA’s Members Only” pages call numbers provided or email

Yes. Log on to and Click on “NMA Member Central.” You may also call Membership Services at 1-800-662-0554, and someone will take your information over the phone, or fax your membership application. (See the NMA Directory for contact information.) Must have user name and password to renew online.

No. The NMA and the state and local societies enrollments are separate.

NMA offers a $50 discount on “Regular” NMA Membership dues received on or before February 1. You can take advantage of current year income tax deductions by paying your dues for the upcoming year.

  1. Yes. Include a summary page with names of members and amounts and attach individual membership applications

Members can log into their accounts to view their membership information and print a membership card. You can also call (enter the two numbers referenced above without listing an extension).

Yes, This is a requirement when joining. View Region Info

Send all applications in bulk to