The National Medical Association Calls for Comprehensive Common Sense Gun Reform

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New York, NY – On Saturday, ten people were killed and three more were wounded when a man opened fire at a supermarket in the predominantly Black city of Buffalo, New York. The shooter published a manifesto online identifying himself as a white supremacist before the attack. Dr. Rachel Villanueva, President of the National Medical Association, issued the following statement:

“The National Medical Association is mourning the loss of ten lives on Saturday, and we grieve with the families of the victims. Violence is a public health crisis that our country continues to respond to with condolences, thoughts and prayers, instead of passing laws to prevent violence and create safety. Condolences are performative, empty words that do nothing to prevent this from happening again.

As doctors, we are responsible for the safety of our patients – and lawmakers should feel the same, deep sense of responsibility for ensuring the safety of their constituents. Black people cannot just be – we cannot go to the grocery store, to church, for a run, or a drive, or even lay on our couch without the threat of violence hanging over our heads. Policymakers are not taking seriously racial violence and the urgent, desperate need for common-sense gun reform in this country.

The NMA is calling for immediate legislation to stop the flow of guns used in crimes by closing the gun show loopholes and establishing mandatory universal background checks. We are calling for investment in community-based programs that prevent and reduce violence, lower recidivism, and increase funding for community policing. We are calling for the protection of Black communities from domestic terrorists who target our communities with hate-driven racial violence. We are calling for Black people to have the same sense of safety that white people get to mindlessly enjoy every day.”


The NMA promotes the collective interests of physicians and patients of African descent. We carry out this mission by serving as the collective voice of physicians of African descent and a leading force for parity in medicine, elimination of health disparities and promotion of optimal health.