NMA Statement on Serious Public Health Concerns
Black Physicians Express Concern Over Policy Changes
For Immediate Release:
Feb. 3, 2024
Statement attributable to:
125th President, National Medical Association
The National Medical Association (NMA) stands firm in advocating for health care access for Black Americans. We have been consistent in our focus on addressing health care disparities throughout our history and through every federal administration. Our leadership is gravely concerned that the following public health issues will have a devastatingly negative impact on Black patients, medical students and physicians:
- Vaccine Misinformation: Vaccines, including the flu and COVID-19 vaccines, prevent serious health impacts and death among millions of Americans. A lack of accurate information and misinformation harms public health efforts, particularly communities that have the least access to quality health care.
- Access to Medicaid and Medicare: Medicare, which supports older and disabled Americans, and Medicaid, which assists low-income individuals and families, are essential parts of the nation’s safety net. Limiting access to these critical programs will exacerbate health care disparities and result in poor outcomes for millions of people.
- Affordable Care Act: Preventive services under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are also at risk. Maintaining the Affordable Care Act has reduced the number of uninsured and underinsured among Black Americans. If lost, disparities in coverage will grow.
- Attacks on Diversity in Medical Education: Ongoing efforts to roll back inclusive programs at the nation’s medical schools will exacerbate the nation’s physician shortage and have an adverse effect on care for generations. The NMA is steadfast in its advocacy for a diverse physician workforce.
The NMA urges a bipartisan approach that chooses the future health of our nation and endorses good political policy.
About the National Medical Association:
The NMA is the nation’s oldest and largest organization representing Black physicians and health professionals in the U.S. and promotes the collective interests of physicians and patients of African descent. We serve as the voice of Black physicians and a leading voice for parity in medicine, elimination of health disparities, and promotion of optimal health. To learn more about the NMA, please visit https://www.nmanet.org/.
Sherelyn Weber