A Call for Nominations: 2025 Council on Concerns of Women Physicians (CCWP) Awards

Since 1999, deserving women recipients have been honored during the CCWP Annual Muriel Petioni M.D. Luncheon at the NMA’s Annual Scientific Assembly and Convention. Awardees are selected for their community engagement, leadership and promotion of women’s health. We are asking for nominations for this year’s awards.

To make a nomination, please submit the information requested HERE via email to ccwp@nmanet.org with subject: CCWP Awards. The deadline for submissions is Sunday, May 4th 2025. The Council members will review all nominations and select the award recipients. Award recipients will be honored during the Awards Luncheon and celebrated by NMA members.

Please direct questions regarding the nomination and selection process to CCWP Chair Dr. Krystilyn Washington at ccwp@nmanet.org and (540) 729-6578