House Of Delegates

The House of Delegates is the legislative body of the Association.  It shall transact the business of the Association not otherwise specifically provided for in this Constitution and By-Laws, and shall elect the General Officers.  The House of Delegates shall receive and act upon the various reports of the Board of Trustees, Councils, Committees, and Officials of the Association together with their recommendations.


To serve as the cornerstone of governance within the NMA, embodying the collective voice and vision of its diverse membership. Its purpose is multifaceted, encompassing the formulation of policies, the discussion of critical issues facing the medical profession, and the advancement of equitable healthcare practices. Comprised of representatives from various regions and specialties, the House of Delegates deliberates on matters vital to the NMA’s mission of promoting the health and well-being of underserved communities and eliminating healthcare disparities. Through robust debate and democratic decision-making, it shapes the NMA’s strategic direction, ensuring that its initiatives remain responsive to the evolving needs of both physicians and the patients they serve.

The House of Delegates shall have the power to rescind any action or policy of the Board of Trustees, provided two-thirds of the membership of the House of Delegates, present and voting, votes to rescind.

The House of Delegates shall be composed of the Delegates representing; the State societies;  Howard University College of Medicine, Morehouse School of Medicine, Charles R. Drew University Medicine and Science, and Meharry Medical College, the Scientific Assembly; Independent Medical Societies; Post Graduate Physicians, and Students.  Each of these delegates shall have the right to vote.

The Trustees, the former Presidents of the Association, the former Speakers of the House and the Editor of the Journal of the National Medical Association shall be ex-officio members of the House of Delegates, without the right to vote, unless they are elected or appointed.

The number of Delegates seated from the Sate shall be proportional to the number of Active Members in their respective, societies, as provided in the By-laws. Other Delegates shall be seated as determined in the By-laws.


Melanie Hanna-Johnson, M.D
Speaker, House of Delegates
Detroit, MI
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Walter Faggett, M.D.
Vice-Speaker, House of Delegates
Washington, DC
Specialty: Adolescent Medicine
Lindiwee-yaa "Lindi" Randall Hayes, MD, ABEM, FACEP, FAAEM
Secretary, House of Delegates
Indianapolis, Indiana
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
George Barnett, Jr., MD
Pickerington, OH
Specialty: Family Medicine

Empowering Change in Healthcare Policy

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Explore the vital work of NMA committees and councils, dedicated to addressing critical healthcare issues and shaping policy decisions. Discover opportunities to engage with passionate experts committed to advancing health equity and driving impactful change in the medical field.

Please click here for committee/council information

Discover the latest House of Delegates appointments, where dedicated leaders converge to steer the NMA’s mission towards equitable healthcare practices and policy advancements. Engage with appointed representatives committed to amplifying voices, fostering collaboration, and driving positive change within the medical community.

Please click here to see information about appointments

Navigate the meeting and delegate criteria for the NMA’s House of Delegates, delineating the standards guiding pivotal discussions on healthcare issues and policy formulation. Gain clarity on participation requirements, ensuring alignment with the mission to advance health equity and empower communities through informed decision-making.

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To advance the art and science of medicine for people of African descent through education, advocacy, and health policy to promote health and wellness, eliminate health disparities, and sustain physician viability.

House of Delegates

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